subject: Turning Your Content Caterpillars Into Sales Butterflies [print this page] Content is King youve read and heard that many times before but what does it really mean for your online sales? You may have been disappointed by poor results despite following the recommended practice of posting fresh content on your blog and submitting to article directories.
Fresh and relevant content will drive traffic is an undisputed fact. In order to convert that traffic into paying customers, your content caterpillar must now turn into a beautiful sales butterfly.
What am I talking about? Leveraging your content.
Content doesnt mean lifeless words that exist only on your blog or in an article. It should inform, entertain, connect and persuade visitors to delve deeper into your copy and take a desired action (sign up, click or buy).
Lets look at this process of transforming your content. Assuming, you have some knowledge (or a lot) and are passionate about the topic of your content, why limit your knowledge to just one article? Leverage that content into several different information products.
Here are some pointers for leveraging and transforming your content.
Dont write one long article of several thousand words, instead break it up into 3 or 4 shorter articles. End each post with a teaser about the forthcoming article on this topic. It will heighten anticipation, raise curiosity among your readers, and keep them Compile these short articles into a small report. Add some resources and/or links to your other information and affiliate products that you are promoting. Use this small report as a free giveaway to build your mailing list. Make sure you are not adding fluff, give away quality content to build credibility and pre-sell your paid products.
If you are an expert on your topic and have made presentations in person or held a webinar, add your PowerPoint slides and the recorded audio to your special report. Now youve got a digital product that you can sell at a much higher price because of the added value.
Create a step-by-step, click-by-click how to report to accomplish a specific task. These go over very well with the online audience, especially in the Internet marketing niche. Add videos for your buyers to watch over your shoulders as you perform each task. You can price such a product even higher or add it to a paid membership site for recurring income.
As you can see, one little article can transform into many different and profitable sales butterflies.
Marketing your content
Now that you know how to transform your content into profitable digital products, it is time to actively market them. Here are some free ways of marketing your content:
Read aloud your article, record it and make it into a podcast. Post it on sites that syndicate podcasts.
Create 5-7 slides of the main points or takeaways from your article. Convert these into a short video and post it to YouTube to drive more traffic to your blog, squeeze or sales page.
Rewrite your blog post and make it into a new article. Submit this to popular article directories like
Actively participate in forums where your target audience hangs out. Add a link in your signature to download your free report.
Write a press release to announce your new information product. Dont make your release a blatant sales pitch, it should be written from the point of view of whats in it for the reader. Remember the golden rule of PR, the 5Ws, Who, What, When, Where and Why. Make sure you take full advantage of social media to get a wider distribution online.
There you have it how to turn your content caterpillars into sales butterflies.
by: DiY Marketing Coach
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