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subject: Fortexorcist Addon Review [print this page]

Knights but usable by any classKnights but usable by any class. It has a wow gold lot of cheap wow gold different little elements that pop up when you first load it buy wow gold and it appears to really be able to do everything. While it is aimed primarily as a tool for raiding Warlocks it also has great utility for Death Knights, my primary purpose of trying it. ForteXorcist bar andbuy wow gold timersWhat it aims to do is provide a wow gold cheap highly configurable spell timer, cooldown timer, warning sounds, and messages. While it provides that for all characters it also has a ton of extra features for warlocks only,nike shoes, including soulstone tracking, shard management, summoning assistance, and more. ForteXorcist Review While one of the primary purposes of ForteXorcist is to make life simple for Warlocks, it is not something I am really going to buying wow gold look at wow gold for sale in aion kinah depth since I do not run a Warlock. I will talk about the warlock only features but only briefly, later on. What ForteXorcist is meant to do for most classes is provide an all in one spell and cooldown timer. This is an important thing for most classes as most players like to have a central visual way to see what is almost off cooldown rather than watching icons to become available again. The first thing that you will notice after installing ForteXorcist is the two main bars that are added to your screen. The first one I am going to talk about is the cooldown bar. This bar shows in a very easy to follow graphical way which spells or effects are coming off of cooldown next. It can get a bit busy due to the number of things that are tracked though, so be prepared. The simple layout passes on a lot of information in a limited space As a Death Knight you will have runes showing when they are going to reset, spell cooldowns, and when diseaseswow gold are wearing off your opponent. As a Warlock you can additionally expect to see your DoTs, curses, and spell cooldowns there. It gets to be a busy bar, and it even does a pretty good job of showing it all. The only issue I have with it is that it is too busy at times. Spells and abilities overlap and make it unclear at times as to what is happening. I suppose you get used to it, but it is hard to follow. A very cool ability of the bar is that you can click on an ability and it will announce your cooldown remaining to your party or raid. This means that when someone is asking how long until an ability is available, such as a Druids rebirth, you can simply click on it and announce it to the raid.

by: alime

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