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Business Catering from Home: Start Your Dream Business on a Shoestring Budget

A home based business often starts out as a passion for doing something in particular. If you love to make delicious dishes that constantly get rave reviews, perhaps you are ready to start your own catering business. This is the type of business where an owner is the driving force that does everything from creating the menu, to making up promotional handouts.

If you're sitting there wondering: How do I start a catering business out of my house?

That's a great question.

Many creative cooks dream of owning their own food service business, but lack the funds to rent out a large space to set up operations. It's a case where, you know that you've got something great to offer, if you could only get it out to the people. Right now, the only thing standing between you and your dream are several thousand dollars.

Fortunately, home based entrepreneurs are good at finding a way around such challenges. Right now is the time to focus on the things that you CAN do. If you've only got a couple of hundred to get you going, then you need to make this small amount of money work for you.

So, here's how to start a small catering business on a shoestring budget.

Pick One Item

You know that long list of items you plan on making? Forget about it. You can't afford to have a big food menu, so think small. Pick one of your best food recipes and just make that. If there is a cake recipe that's to die for, then that's what you do. If you make awesome veggie appetizers, then you do those. This one item will become your signature dish.

Get Cheap Business Cards and a Website

You can get 200 custom business cards made for really cheap. There are several online office print vendors that run special deals, so I suggest you take full advantage of this. Before you get your cards made, you should think of a spiffy name for your business. Also, get a special email address dedicated to the business (Gmail is free). And, find a cheap web host where you can create your own website, and they'll host it for a small monthly fee.

Create Buzz

Hand your cards out and offer a special deal on your signature item. Give out free samples to generate interest. It's your business and you can't afford to sit back and be a wallflower. If you really want your dream business to take off, then you'll need to be the one who gets out there and promotes.

These are only a few tips to get you started. For more information on how you can get your home catering business off to a great start, visit the site below. Catering is definitely one of the top business ideas that can be started cheaply, then grow much larger over time.

Business Catering from Home: Start Your Dream Business on a Shoestring Budget

By: Brenda Ballentine

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