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subject: Don't Let Home Business Setbacks Get You Down [print this page]

Don't Let Home Business Setbacks Get You Down

Setbacks are one of those things we all have in common like how to tell time. It's the same for all of us. Some people know how to handle this experience well, while others do not. What's the secret? How do some people rebound so successfully after failure?

#1 They don't take the failure personally. Failure isn't a personal attack or a sign of any type of character flaw. There is a cliche that says something along the lines of failure means you tried. People that are actively pursuing goals and dreams fail often and they perceive it as part of the process. Instead of feeling unworthy or like a failure, they reevaluate their strategy and try again.

The next time you experience failure instead of feeling badly about yourself, feel good about the fact that you tried, and try again.

#2 Use the experience as a building block. Failure happens. Learn from the experience. Figure out what went wrong. Why did it go wrong? What can you change? How can you use this failure to move toward success?

#3 Sometimes we fail for a reason. Maybe our heart really wasn't into the effort. Maybe a limiting belief prevented us from achieving success. And sometimes it wasn't the right opportunity. Generally when we fail there is a reason. Look around and evaluate why. Look for new opportunities and experiences that may bring success.

#4 Be grateful for the experience. Gratitude is a powerful emotion. Feeling gratitude for the failure and the experience will help you move forward with resolve and enthusiasm. Sometimes writing or journaling your thoughts in a positive manner helps you embrace failure as a positive experience rather than a negative one.

#5 You are not the only one. This happens to everyone so ask for help or advice. Failure is a tremendous equalizer. The most powerful people in the world, have all failed thousands of times. Instead of internalizing failure and struggling again and again, ask for help.

#6 Play with your inner child. Remember being a kid, playing and running? Did you ever fall? What did you do? You jumped back up, not even thinking about the failure and kept right on playing, right? Children focus on the fun of the moment. They don't let the falls stop them.

#7 Make mistakes and enjoy them. Avoid them, but enjoy them when they happen. Failure is part of the process of success. Laugh about the setbacks and the failures because you are gaining knowledge. The knowledge of success.

Failure helps you succeed. Learn from it. Without failure, there can be no success. Think about it.

by: Michael V. James

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