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subject: Five Elements Of A Good Chiropractic Business Website [print this page]

Five Elements Of A Good Chiropractic Business Website

Whether you are a veteran chiropractor or just starting out in the chiropractic field, you need a website if your practice is to be perceived as a legitimate business. The essentials of a good chiropractic website are not all that complicated. This article will briefly discuss five Keys to a successful chiropractic website.

1. How to Contact You

One of the benefits of providing your address, telephone number, and other contact details is that it helps to prove that you have a real business. In addition, you obviously need to make this information available if you want to be contacted by potential clients. This advice may seem blindingly obvious, and certainly most chiropractic websites do include contact information. However, this information is sometimes difficult to find. I recommend including a "Contact Us" page, and linking to this page throughout your website.

2. Map

Displaying a map makes it easier for new clients to locate your office. A map also provides additional reassurance that your chiropractic practice is a real business, not a fly-by-night scam.

3. Lead Capture Form

There are several different ways to use a website to facilitate commercial transactions. If you where an online retailer like, I would suggest that you set up a shopping cart solution so that customers could buy directly from your website. In contrast, for a service business such as a chiropractic practice, it is more appropriate to use a lead capture form to collect contact information. This way, prospective clients can provide their contact information, allowing you to follow up with them at your convenience. These "hot" leads are extremely valuable, because they have recently expressed an interest in your services.

4. Mailing List Sign-Up Form

Most people who visit your website never come back for a second visit. Is there any way to bring these people into your practice? Not even the best-designed website will convert 100% of visitors into loyal clients. However, you can certainly increase your conversion rate, and one way to do this is by encouraging people to sign up for your e-mail list. Because a list is so valuable, it is a good idea to prominently feature the newsletter opt-in form on your website.

5. Photographs

One easy way to build the confidence of website visitors and begin to form a relationship with them is by providing photos of you, your staff, and your office. People don't like to do business with strangers, so it is important to show the real people who run your practice. Some chiropractic websites are taking this audio-visual approach one step further by providing videos as well. These days, adding video is surprisingly easy, and it can really help people begin to get to know you before they ever set foot in your practice.

by: Joshua Beidler.

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