subject: Can You Make Money Online Without Any Website? [print this page] Generating income through online methods usually puts people into a frenzy on account of the dubious publicity that the channel has accumulated in the past. However, despite the negative publicity, there are a host of online money making opportunities existing on the internet for the prudent and wise ones. Importantly, these money making avenues do not always require a website though its absence may limit the scope of revenue generation.
For newcomers, opportunities may span ghostwriting, translation services, answering questions, taking paid surveys and capitalizing stock photography. These avenues are just the tip of the iceberg that offer exciting money making opportunities using the internet as a medium.. Let us look at a few of them.
Content Writing
Content reigns supreme for websites. Search engines crawl through text and place websites in search results. The right content is therefore the crunch factor for the world wide web. Web masters therefore employ ghostwriters to ensure good quality content for their websites. This content positions their websites well in search results. Ghostwriting jobs are usually freelancing or virtual. Anyone, anywhere in the world can work on ghostwriting sans barriers and earn money revenue in the bargain.
Translation Services
Websites like babelfish provide opportunities for human translation from one language into another. Those who are fluent in multiple languages can use similar services across the internet to provide translation in the required language and get paid for it. This is especially true considering that most websites in the initial rush configured their content in just one language. Now, they have a requirement to make it at least bi-lingual. There is no requirement here to write content; instead, you translate it into the desired language.
Answering Questions
If you love knowledge, then you can apply it to answering questions raised by other users. Some websites pay you for such services. This is an interesting online opportunity since it increases your levels of knowledge. On the other hand, if you do not know, you can always scour the net to research and answer questions.
Taking Surveys
You can sign up for reputed and credible survey websites that pay you for taking surveys. This area is heavily maligned since there are too many scams harvesting personal information. However, there are a few genuine websites that employers hire to get their surveys executed. Interested individuals can use this to generate money online without needing a website.
Stock Photography
If you are an excellent photographer, then you can make your photos pay for you through online buyers. Sites like Fotolia get you started right away on this money making opportunity.
At the end of the day, it is a fact that the internet is vast with numerous money making opportunities. However, for you to get a good deal, apply common sense and veer away from any website that asks you to pay money upfront. Moreover, if the service looks sleazy, then it probably is. All the more reason for you to give it a go-by.
by: Gen Wright
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