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subject: Calculate And Communicate - How To Buy A Business For Sale [print this page]

Calculate And Communicate - How To Buy A Business For Sale

It is so important for one entrepreneur to be able to master and develop so many different roles while running a business. There may well be other people involved in the operation of the business, but the entrepreneur really needs to understand every process. It's vital to know what makes the business "tick" in order to have the best chance of success. While success won't come easily, it's worth pursuing. You will have to work longer than you ever had before and you might not have much spare time, but being in business for yourself gives you the ability to determine your own future and destiny. Communication is everything when you're running a business of any type and this certainly comes into focus when you are in the process and seek to buy a business for sale. Communicate with the seller and other important principles, but you must also be good at deciphering the data that you receive. You might think that you need to be a detective in many respects, as you have to read between the lines and translate the information in such a way, to enable you to make the best decisions.

One of the biggest challenges facing an entrepreneur when attempting to buy a business for sale, is the ability to remain impartial. Human nature dictates that we become interested and enthused and this can sometimes get the better of us - if we're not careful, and if you find you're dealing with a strong-willed entrepreneur on the other side, you could end up facing a very determined personality. The seller is naturally enthusiastic about his or her creation and you must be careful to recognize this enthusiasm and keep it in its place. Outwardly, you may feel that this business is the right fit for you, but once again keep your natural enthusiasm in-check and take on the role of the master logistician. Those of us who remember the original Star Trek movies will undoubtedly remember the character known as Spock. He appeared to show no human emotions and was able to logically decipher any situation. In many respects, you should try to be like Spock and analyze the worth of the business for sale without any attached emotion.

You will receive a great deal of information when you're looking to buy business assets, much of it factual, but also structural and anecdotal. Question everything to a degree and never accept any information passed to you at face value. If you feel that there might be an agenda attached, reveal whether this is or is not the case. Remember that when you buy a business for sale, you're looking at a very long-term arrangement and the amount of time that you spend during revelation and due diligence is critically important to your success.

by: Richard K Parker

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