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subject: Restaurants: Choosing A Business Setting [print this page]

Restaurants: Choosing A Business Setting

For certain business functions, restaurants provide the perfect setting. When you are trying to win the approval of a new client, for instance, a restaurant works much better than a stuffy conference room or office. You can relax somewhat and get to know the client on a more personal level, while still promoting your services. A restaurant is also the ideal setting to celebrate something or reward your staff for a job well done. However, not all restaurants cater to the needs of business functions, so choose carefully as you seek the restaurant for your next event.

First, think about the image you are trying to portray. While most business meals happen in somewhat similar restaurant situations, certain types of businesses may fit better with a family-style restaurant. Make sure that the restaurant you choose fits your professional image.

Always visit the restaurants you are considering, preferably at the time of day when you will have your meal or event. Is the noise level appropriate? You want a setting that is quiet enough that you can talk business, but has enough background noise to cover any potentially private conversations. Also, get the lay of the land, and note if there are any tables you want to request or want to avoid. For instance, if the establishment has a table near the kitchen, you want to request a different location, as the noise and activity in the kitchen may distract your guests.

Also, consider the menu at the restaurants you are looking into. Do any diners in your group have special dietary considerations, such as religious views about food or the desire to eat vegetarian? Make sure that the dining establishment has a dish or two that fulfill those needs, if you know of them ahead of time.

As you peruse the menus, make sure they fall within your business's budget. If the price is too high, you can likely find another location with a similar atmosphere that offers more affordable dishes. If the prices are way below your budget, make sure that the restaurant will still portray the correct image to your guests. If you intend to offer wine, check the wine list as well to make sure it is the level of quality you wish.

Finally, look into restaurants that offer reservations if you intend to host a simple meal. For a large event you will need to book the group dining room early, but you want to make sure that you can book a table for your business meal, saving yourself the embarrassment of arriving to a long wait.

Once you have made these preparations, you will be ready to host a business meal or party at a local restaurant. Soon you will be impressing your guests by your excellent planning and taste.

by: Andrew Stratton

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