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subject: Making Money with RedGage [print this page]

RedGage is an online writing platform that allows you to upload your articles and build back links to your other content that you have on the web. Users are allowed to interact with each other, rate and comment on each others' work, and so on.

But the great thing about RedGage is that they allow you to make money directly with their website, simply by doing the things that you would be doing regardless of whether or not you got paid. Therefore, RedGage allows you to make the most out of your time and maximize your online earnings.

What's Great About RedGage?

My personal favorite thing about the site is that you can use it to build back links. They allow you to upload bookmark links with a short description and earn from those links as they get viewed. Thus the links will not only generate traffic, but an income as well.

Then on top of adding your links you can upload articles and put your links into them as well. From my experience articles tend to get more views and comments than the bookmarks do, but the clicks from the articles are not as many. So in the end it evens out between your articles and bookmarks.


Another great thing about the site is that you can upload all your pictures and make money with them as well. For some reason pictures seem to get the most views and do very well on RedGage.

Other People's Content

But what about if you do not have your own content? Can you still make money with RedGage even though you are not a writer or a photographer? Absolutely! You can upload links to other people's content and earn revenue from that. But don't go copying the whole article and posting it as your own, as that is illegal. But feel free to create as many links as you like.


They also have a daily contest that allows you to win money each day by entering your articles that you have written and uploaded to RedGage. On top of that you can also enter the contest by mentioning the name of RedGage on another website, as well as by referring others.

Last but not least, if you create good content, you can have your articles featured, which means that you will get more views, but not only that, you also get paid a few extra bucks for every featured article.

Therefore RedGage is a great place to promote your work online and get paid for it at the same time.

Making Money with RedGage

By: Helen Reimer

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