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Cheap Web Hosting for Businesses

Cheap web hosting has become more and more available over the years. At first, most of these packages were very simplified, virtual hosting plans offered by companies whose more impressive packages were reserved for their corporate clients. As the technology that drives the more sophisticated packages has become more available, however, the prices have consistently dropped. If you're wondering about saving money without losing any of the sophistication or power of your current hosting, you'll likely find that there are plenty of options out there that will allow you to do so.

One of the primary questions with hosting involves the operating system that will be used on the server. Many companies choose to go with Windows hosting. This is largely because of the familiarity of the product and the large number of software and other products that are designed to work specifically with that operating system. There are significant advantages to this operating system. There is a very established network of support resources for it and, if you're providing your own technical services, this is important to the people tasked with that job. There are other options, as well, and they may be more suitable for some companies.

If you've been researching web hosting, you've probably heard the term Apache server. You may have also heard of programs such as Sendmail. These programs, and many others, run on web servers provided with Linux hosting. Linux is an alternative operating system to Windows. The differences between the two are most pronounced where licensing is concerned. Linux is an open source program, which means that it, and many of the programs that run on it, are free of charge. Linux also has an extensive support network built up around it, but it generally takes a bit more technical knowledge to work with this system. Either hosting type is robust and reliable and the choice is mostly one of personal preference.

Remember to investigate the technical support offered with whatever hosting package you choose. Some companies pride themselves on extensive technical support and others are built more around a DIY model where there servers are maintained mostly by the clients themselves. This consideration will be particularly important to companies that don't have their own technical staff on hand at all times. If this is the case, you may want to get a package that includes server management.

Cheap Web Hosting for Businesses

By: Leon Belenky

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