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Dedicated Servers and Growing Your Business

Where doing business online is concerned, there is a threshold where a business has to expand its capacity. This usually presents itself when you begin to get a lot of traffic to your site and when your server proves unable to handle it, or when you constantly go over on bandwidth, incurring sometimes expensive overage charges. A good dedicated server can eliminate many of these problems and is the next logical step for a business that has reached a turning point in its development. These servers are more complex than standard servers.

A dedicated server can make use of Windows or Linux hosting. You're already set up with one of these hosting options, if you have a website online right now. If you're simply having your site transferred to a dedicated web server, it's usually best to stick with the same operating system. Most often, if you have techs on staff, they'll prefer to keep with the existing OS, as well. This makes things a bit less complicated than they would be if you decided to go ahead and change your operating system software altogether when you make the transfer.

As your business grows, you'll find that your technical needs become more complex, in addition to becoming larger in scale. One way to address this complexity without hiring additional staff is to get a managed hosting account. This is somewhat like hiring a tech as part of the package. It means that you're not responsible for much of the day to day operation of your server and that the maintenance on the machine itself is handled for you. This can free up an enormous amount of time and resources. It also eliminates the need for you to hire contractors or another employee to handle the most technical aspects of managing your web site.

Check for a top web hosting companies list to see if there's a host out there that fits your business's needs well. Most often, you'll find that at least oneand probably more than onecompany offers exactly what you need. If you have the technical ability, you can get dedicated web hosting without getting the managed option. However, you may well find that having the managed option included offers your staff more time and resources to deal with other issues. The fact that the response time is usually very fast is also of benefit.

Dedicated Servers and Growing Your Business

By: Leon Belenky

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