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Dedicated Servers and Small Businesses

Dedicated servers are the most powerful of web hosting options. Such servers are entirely dedicated to the needs of the client who leases them. In most hosting arrangements, you'll be on what's called virtual or shared hosting. Most websites are very small and several can be fit on one machine. Normally, companies sell disc space on servers that host several different sites. For larger sites and for busy sites, however, the demands in terms of data storage and bandwidth dictate that larger machines be used to host those pages so that visitors get reliable service.

When anyone accesses your website, even just to look at a page, they download data. This download of data is described as bandwidth usage and it is one of the primary concerns with large sites. Virtual hosts may not be able to handle the load if one of the sites on the machine is excessively busy. This is why some companies decide to make the move to hosting packages that allow them the use of an entire machine. Surprisingly, they're not that expensive. Cheap web hosting suitable for large companies is widely available and sometimes comes with extra services.

A web host is almost always housed in a location far removed from the company that uses it. These facilities are full of servers, humming away day and night. These companies, of course, have their own staff of techs and you'd be hard-pressed to find another group of people who have developed their skills and knowledge about Internet servers as much as these individuals have. With a managed hosting package, you get access to one of these techs. Instead of taking care of the complications that come with dedicated hosting yourself, you have one of the on-staff technicians at the hosting company handle it for you. This can be enormously beneficial and convenient.

Make sure the company you use is competitive with their pricing. Review sites are good for this. While every company advertises low prices, there are sometimes hidden fees that make their products more expensive. Unbiased reviews of the hosts will usually include this information, which makes it easier for you to make an informed choice. If you're not ready for the big leagues yet, most web hosts have packages designed for smaller businesses that are much simpler, but not nearly as powerful as are the dedicated packages they have available.

Dedicated Servers and Small Businesses

By: Leon Belenky

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