subject: Basics Knowledge About How to Get Pregnant [print this page] The primary fact that you need to know when you are thinking of how to get pregnant is that the sperm should fuse with the egg on a certain particular period of time to fertilize it. After knowing this, getting pregnant would look like a task next to impossible but there is an easy way out provided you learn to identify the right time.
For given the above fact, your thoughts must be mustering with thousands of questions like when is that time, How to calculate, etc. Remember the right time and the right methods are the keywords when you want to get pregnant fast.
Know your ovulation period as this is the ideal time to make love when you are trying to conceive
Ovulation is termed as that process when the human egg is released during the menstrual cycle. The time period associated with ovulation is the Ovulation period. In general it is 14 days before the menstrual cycle. Always calculate the Ovulation period and involve in sex union during this time for maximum chances to get pregnant fast.
Calculate your ovulation period by more than one method to ensure accuracy
The Ovulation period can be calculated by two simple methods. In the first method for a fair rough estimate of the ovulation period just track back 12-16 days from your menstrual cycle. The second method involves measuring the temperature in the vagina with the help of a BBT thermometer. You need to monitor the temperature for a period of days and any significant change indicates the period of Ovulation.
Ensure adequate number of sexual intercourses around ovulation period to ensure fertilization at the right time
The female egg can last only for around 10-16 hours while the male sperm can reside for two to five days in the vaginal tract. This stresses that the sexual union have to be timed about a few days before the ovulation to ensure fertilization while trying to conceive. Too rare or too often sexual union might tend to weaken the quality of the sperm and an optimal frequency of twice or thrice per week needs to be maintained in case you want to get pregnant fast.
These tips on how to get pregnant along with a healthy life style will help you maximize the chances of conception. In case you are still unable to conceive, it is best you approach natural or holistic methods followed by traditional medication methods to help you when trying to conceive.
Basics Knowledge About How to Get Pregnant
By: Kevin Ng
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