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The Safest Way to Spend Cash

Frugal living tips encourage new generations to go back to spending "cash only". However, spending in this mode can sometimes be dangerous. If people only spend this way even in huge amounts of money, they can be an easy prey to thieves abounding the streets in these difficult times. So how can they spend cash in the safest way they can? Read further to know how.

Getting a prepaid debit card account is only the first step in the safest way to spend cash. Why? This is because it can store mounds of money without getting the holder a big target on his back. It has a four-digit PIN feature which thieves would have a hard time cracking; plus money is safely stored at the bank! In case they are still robbed, they can give away the debit card and they are still safe. They only have to report the incident to the bureau within 48 hours and the card account will be cancelled fast. This is a whole lot better than being robbed with pure money in the wallet. See, safest way to bring cash!

Moreover, this card won't get people into debt at all. Unlike credit cards that encourage people on spending cash that they don't own, pre-paid debit cards don't. This is just like spending cash because it can't buy things when the funds are running low. Just imagine wanting to buy a those $800 shoes with only a $100 on the wallet. In using prepaid cards, shoppers can't splurge money in such unaffordable luxuries. Whereas if they are given a credit card account; they can easily swipe it away but pity themselves after when they can't already pay. Late fees, high interests, what a huge mistake to spend money! Prepaid cards only require little transaction fees, but that is way negligible than its ability not to get people into debt.

Another plus in using pre-paid debit cards is its free ATM feature. Yes, its right, the ATM is free! Never again will people pay because of the privilege of using those machines. In case of emergencies, the machine's availability eliminates the process of lining up for withdrawals or having to cash out that check. Not only that, the visa prepaid is widely accepted around the world that merchants allow withdrawals to accompany their purchases. And take note, it is also free!

Stop sticking to spending "cash only" now. There's a safer and flashier way to do that by using a new prepaid debit card account.

The Safest Way to Spend Cash

By: Sean Teahan

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