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subject: Wholesale Slippers Makes Business So High Efficient [print this page]

Wholesale Slippers Makes Business So High Efficient

The invention has been provided to eliminate the defects and disadvantages of the prior art. It is therefore an object of the invention to provide a wholesale slippers having a sole made of a thick paper such as a corrugated cardboard which is progressively tapered from the foot inserting part of the instep to the heel part of the wholesale slippers in such a manner that the heel part may be most enlarged to the extent that the heel part is considerably wider than the width of the user's foot in general, to thereby prevent the heel of the user from protruding out of the heel part of the slipper, and thus to prevent the socks of the user from being dirty even if the user walks around, for example, in a long-distance train or relaxes himself inclining his legs in the outward directions in the seat of the train.

It is another object of the invention to provide the instep of the wholesale slippers made of an extremely thin film of synthetic resin which will produce little public hazard if the instep is disposed of by way of combustion, thus to make the slipper easily disposable, and which may be printed with any marks or characters for the purpose of, for example, advertisement thus to heighten the commercial quality of the slipper

Further from the viewpoint of the disposal after the wholesale slippers have been used, since the cover sheets 4 and the instep 5 are made of synthetic resin of a considerable thickness and of considerable dimensions and these may not be recycled, it becomes very difficult to dispose of the used wholesale slippers if they are released in a great quantity, for example, by the National Railways Corporation and other railway companies which deal with such slippers. These used slippers will produce a poisonous gas to cause a public hazard in case these are disposed of by way of combustion. In any events, the conventional slipper 1 is very uneconomical in view of the fact that this can not be recycled and fails to contribute to the purpose of material-saving.

by: ericfu

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