subject: ADHD Behavioral Issues - 3 Investments You Must Make For Your Child [print this page] If we are looking at the main ADHD behavioral issues, we soon realize that the child's intelligence, creativity and sense of humor is not going to get us through! We will need to make a few investments in time, money and effort. In this article I am going to recommend buying three things which will definitely help with these problems. The first two you can buy straightaway but the third one will require some effort, dedication and staying power on your part. Your credit card will not be enough but it will help you to make the purchase in the first place!
Let us start with the easiest one to deal with some ADHD behavioural issues. Buy an exercise ball or stability ball for your ADHD child so that when he does his homework or needs to concentrate, he can sit on this. Why? All the research now shows that ADHD kids actually need to squirm and fidget so that they can concentrate.
It comes as no surprise to realize that we adults do the same thing when we doodle, listen to music or chew gum during meetings, yet we are fully concentrating. Something similar is going on in the ADHD child's brain. Telling a child to stop squirming while doing homework may actually be counterproductive!
The second thing you have to invest in is to make sure your ADHD child has enough exercise planned in the day. All the green time activities we can dream up, the better. Research also shows that temper tantrums and inappropriate behavior is much more likely to happen in the shopping mall than outside in the fresh air. Physical activity helps the brain neurotransmitters function better, relaxes the child and releases pent up energy so hyperactivity is reduced. If the weather is awful, buy a Wii so that your exercise program can go on uninterrupted. That is the second investment.
The third investment demands more energy and time on everyone's part. This is to invest in a good child behavior modification program. This is key to dealing with all the ADHD behavioral issues. We can medicate all we want, we can use homeopathy and herbs but if this element is not the kingpin of the ADHD treatment plan in our home then we have lost it! It is as simple as that.
These then are just three investments we can make to ensure that ADHD behavioral issues need never drive us crazy or ruin our family life. If this therapy or training is all part of a holistic approach, then it is bound to work and you will never look back. Why not check out the websites below for more information?
ADHD Behavioral Issues - 3 Investments You Must Make For Your Child
By: Robert William Locke
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