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Secrets Tips How To Triple Your Business Profits!

Do you own your own business? Struggling to meet your monthly business repayments? Looking to increase your profits? If you are, here are 4 secrets how to increase your business profits.

Running a business is not easy. In fact, the majority if businesses today have a twenty per cent chance of failure. In some industries, like the restaurant and hospitality industry, the chances of failure are up to 50 per cent. Hence, running a business and making it profitable is very difficult or requires a lot of hard work. Here are some effective ways to increase your profits effectively!

1. Always get your customers coming back and happy

The worlds best marketing and businessman, Warren Buffet states that the best customers are customers who keeps coming back to your business again and again. These customers are called returned customers. Return customers are customers who will make your business survive under harsh economic conditions. They are a guaranteed money earner for you if you treat them right. And the best thing is, they consistently give you money in times of need. So whatever you do, always treat these people well!

2. Make new customers happy

If possible, always make new customers happy as much as you can. First impressions count and if you make them happy at the start, they will come back to you. They will later become return customers and will increase your business threefold!

3. Get rid of customers who take up your time and effort

The worst customers are one who takes up your time and effort. These customers are the one who complain everything about your service or product. They will sometimes interfere with other clients or customers whilst you are doing business. If they do this, eject or remove these customers as soon as possible. The reason you do this is because they can stop you from acquiring new customers or sales because you are too busy making these customers happy. In fact, these customers can take 90 per cent of time in which you can do something else more productive. You can tell these customers to take their business somewhere else.

4. Offer special deals

To lure customers and sales, you have to offer them something special. One of the best ways is to offer customers a good deal. For instance, you can offer a money back guaranteed if they are not happy with what they got. This will show that you put a lot of trust in your service or product.

by: Lam Bong

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