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subject: Discover The Best Ways To Protect Your Business From Fire [print this page]

Discover The Best Ways To Protect Your Business From Fire

Youve put up more than enough blood and sweat just to open up this business. Now that it is doing good, you cannot help but feel happy. Of course, you know that initial success is only part of the journey and not the final destination. Aside from keeping up with the competition by conceptualizing new offerings and new gimmickry, you should also keep in mind important things like fire protection. Enhancing fire protection of your business is one of your prime duties as a business owner. Some of the things you can undertake to ensure this are the following:

1.Equip your business with state of the art fire safety devices and firefighting equipment.

To begin with, you will need to install extinguishers in the business area. As you probably know, there are different kinds of extinguishers to choose from. Consider the nature of your business when making your selection so you would be able to make the right decision. Just one example, if your business is a computer shop or an electronic appliance store, the best extinguisher to equip your business with is a CO2 extinguisher, which is the safest to use for fires that involve electrical devices.

Apart from the extinguishers, you also need to install smoke alarms and fire detectors. If your business location is a large one or have multiple floors, invest on a good quality fire hose complete with a hose reel valve. For this, it would be great to choose good brands like Norsen Hose Reel so you can be assured of efficient quality. Other safety devices to consider include fire blankets, fire ladders, smoke sealers, and many more.

2.Increase fire safety awareness among your staff

Another concern to keep in mind is your staff. Since they will be occupying most of your business place, they need to be well aware of the rudiments of fire safety so that they will know what to do in case of fire and they can do all that it takes to prevent it from happening in the first place. What you can do is to hold educational lectures and seminars (invite an expert resource speaker for this purpose), extinguisher trainings (to be conducted by a firefighter), and meetings (to discuss preventive measures and emergency procedures). You should also hold fire drills at least twice a year and create a comprehensive escape route plan for their information.

3.Conduct fire risk assessment

In the fire risk assessment, you will be able to determine the present risks at the business place, the people at risk, and the ways you can reduce these hazards. You can have the assessment conducted by a professional or you can do it yourself. Make sure that you find time for this valuable step.

There are many things you can do to protect the interests of your business. One of the most important of these is to protect it against the perils of a fire. Keep these tips in mind so you dont have much to worry about. Be sure to equip your business place with high quality safety devices, increase awareness among your staff, and conduct risk assessments regularly.

by: Joey Bailey

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