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A Successful Business by Knowing What you Want

Knowing WHAT you want.One of the reasons I transitioned from consultant to coach was that I kept seeing clients get stuck. Some Clients would put so much effort into getting clients, building their business and making more income and get nowhere at all. I started to question why. Then I realized those clients didn't know WHAT they wanted, so they moved their business forward without any direction.If you don't know WHAT you want, then you're not going anywhere. If you don't know WHAT you want, you might create a business that is not in line with your values and priorities. If you don't know WHAT you want you are not creating a business, you're being led by it.How often do you struggle in your business to get "what you think you want" only to hate what you end up with? How often do you work on your business with no specific direction, only to be disappointed with the results?Do you have a vision and plan for your business? To be successful in getting clients, building your business and making more income, you need to know WHAT you want. Moving aimlessly forward is not going to build the business of your dreams.To help make a really clear vision of your business and what you want it to be, ask yourself:* What do you want your business to become? * Do you have a vision for the future of your business? * What do you want to achieve? * What is your current situation? * What do you want your situation to be?Take the time to identify WHAT it is that you want for your business and getting there becomes MUCH easier.Knowing WHAT you do.Knowing WHAT your business does helps you easily communicate to your target market. When you can deliver a clear and concise message to your target market, getting clients becomes MUCH easier.Have you ever read a brochure, seen a commercial or visited a website and thought "What the heck do these people do!?" Your marketing message has to be clear to get clients and in order for your message to be clear, you need to know WHAT you do in simple and concise words.Being clear on WHAT you want and WHAT you do is very powerful. It helps you get clients, build your business and make more income.

A Successful Business by Knowing What you Want

By: Jennifer Davey

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