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subject: How To Buy Cheap Business Airfares Tickets? [print this page]

How To Buy Cheap Business Airfares Tickets?

Well with the US market going down, the price of each item has been raised. Similarly the fares of air tickets are also expensive. But now there are many ways of saving money on airfares and getting business class tickets at cheaper rates. But how is it possible to book cheap tickets when the price of fuel is rising everyday? Simple, book your tickets well in advance. Now you will find many different airlines which provide you the same seat at different price. If you really want to travel in executive class at cheaper prices then follow few tips for buying cheap air tickets.

Tips for buying cheap air tickets:

*Planning: Generally the plans of flights are opened before three months from departure date. These plans can save your money and you can travel in executive class at cheap fare. If you are planning for vacation then the first work to do is booking your flights tickets. There are many airlines and fare of each airline varies from others. Some airlines offer many options while booking tickets in advance. So if you want to travel in executive class but at inexpensive fares then plan your travel well in advance. Planning is necessary because people mostly travel to new destination in holiday season. At this time the airfare of flight is expensive and sometimes even business people travel in economy class. So try to avoid traveling at peak season because the fares are very high. And if you want to travel at this time then book your tickets before 2 to 3 months.

*Airlines airfare: Now you will find many airlines websites were they offer discounts in airfare. So when you are booking ticket check all the popular airlines for inexpensive airfare. There are some airlines who charge you more than other airlines but the service is very bad. So the service of airlines also counts while you are booking for cheap business class tickets. Sometimes the fare of tickets goes down before departure because there the flight is carrying lesser passengers. You can ask for refund for the extra amount they charged you while booking. All this can happen only if you reach airport soon before departure of flight.

*Late night flights or connecting flights: Another way of getting cheap business class flights is traveling in late night flights or connecting flights. Generally the connecting flights take longer time to reach its destination but charge less than non connecting flights. Thats because as the name suggests these flights halt at a connecting place of the destination. Well there are many people who dont like to travel in late night flights. So most of the seats in these flights are empty and the airline sells them at cheap value.

by: Sarah Jose

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