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subject: The Importance of Following Up on Cash Gifting Leads [print this page]

The Importance of Following Up on Cash Gifting Leads

Leads are some of the most important ways to keep your internet business chugging along. One of the biggest missteps that you can make when running a gifting program is not following up on the leads that you generate. Many times, people get so wrapped up in generating leads that they lose sight of what matters - following up on them! After all, a lead isn't going to do anything for you in and of itself. By being organized and keeping track of your leads, you're a lot more likely to follow up on them and achieve truly stunning success.

Keeping Track of Leads

If you're at an event and collect a few phone numbers or email addresses, what should you do with them? If you'd like to put those leads to good use, you should bring them to your office and schedule them into your calender. When the day arrives, either give the prospect a call or shoot them a quick email. This is one of the simplest ways to ensure that your leads are followed up on. Many popular - and free - email programs, like Gmail, come with calender functions; put them to good use.

Making Leads Work for You

Whenever a lead is generated, you should take care to label it so that you can make the most of it down the line. By "label," you could simply jot down a quick note that explains who the person was, and what they are interested in. Otherwise, when the time comes to contact them, you won't have the faintest idea how to approach them. When that happens, your attempt is much more likely to be in vain. Be conscientious about taking detailed notes about each lead that you generate, and you are more likely to see positive things come to fruition.

Thinking Outside the Box

Once you find a few lead-generating approaches that work for you, you may be tempted to stick with them and disregard other strategies and techniques. This is definitely not advisable, since using new and innovative approaches is the best way to keep those leads flowing in. The same thing goes for how you choose to follow up with your leads; just because an approach has been successful doesn't mean that it's the only one out there. Mix things up from time to time and go outside your comfort zone on occasion - your leads will ultimately yield better results.

The Importance of Following Up on Cash Gifting Leads

By: Steven Costabile

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