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subject: The Ten Commandments For Organising A Corporate Event [print this page]

The Ten Commandments For Organising A Corporate Event

If you're currently searching for promotional gifts then the chances are that you have been given the dubious honour of organizing a corporate event. Promotional gifts will make an impact at any company event, from a conference to a meeting, a presentation or party.

To make your life that little bit easier, The Promotional Gifts Company have put together a list of ten essentials for putting on any corporate event, which will make sure your event goes off with a bang.

1. Venue - be clear about your event objectives and match the venue. Ask the venue to suggest options and ideas - they know their venue best.

2. Consider venues other than hotels, sometimes an unusual venue can make an event (such as a private house, stately home, museum or club) and you can often get very good rates.

3. Lighting - try to use natural light during the day and softer lighting in the evening but also consider if delegates will need to read material.

4. Test AV equipment before the event.

5. Allow time for late arrivers - it does happen.

6. Try to make WiFi available especially during day events.

7. Remember attention spans are very short - make sure there's plenty of refreshments and breaks.

8. Try to change pace and mood throughout the event; informal discussion periods, time for networking, or speakers or presentations.

9. Get to know the staff at the venue - this will help ensure the day runs smoothly and staff will be more willing to help if there are any problems on the day.

10. And don't forget the promotional promotional gifts. Promotional gifts are an effective way of marketing your company and enhancing your brand, so they are an essential part of any corporate event.

by: Alan Grainger

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