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If you have not heard about NCO Financial, NCO Financial is one of the largest collection agencies who has earned a bad reputation for ruining our credit reports. Their ultimate aim is to collect money from us, the money we owe as debt. They harass us to get money from us by hook or crook in spite of our financial difficulties. To get us to pay them at all cost, that is what they are after from the consumers.

Consumers should not give in to NCO's harassment and let them take control of our lives. We can do certain things to get them off our backs.

1. A very simple thing to do is to send them a letter and request them to stop harassing us. We should make it clear to them that we will only work with creditors to whom we owe the money, not to any third party agency.

2. It would be a good idea to hire an attorney, if NCO does not stop harassing you even after getting your letter. The attorney will work on your behalf, take the necessary actions and let them know about the same course of action.

3. NCO might stop contacting you if you are willing to negotiate some kind of agreement with them. As part of the agreement, you should let them know that you will make the first payment only after they send you the negotiated terms in writing. Do not forget to document everything.

4. Keep in mind that if all fails, you can always file for bankruptcy. But that should be your last resort alternative. Do not try to rush to this decision. Weigh all your options, do whatever you can to come to an agreement with them.

We should not forget the fact that we have our rights to defend too as consumers. We most certainly have the right to dispute the bill, we also have the right to request NCO to stop calling us incessantly at any inconvenient time, additionally we have the right to send payment via mail and last but not the least we have the right to have another company assist us to deal with NCO.

Attorneys suggest various methods to remove the negative items from our credit reports. We can't do anything in haste, it is a time consuming process but we certainly can enter into an agreement with NCO to work towards it.

1. Disputing the account with the credit bureaus might be a very wise thing to do. We should most certainly dispute any questionable item that is reflected on the credit report.

2. Another option is to resort to debt validation. This is the only way to make NCO prove that we really owe them the money. They are obligated to prove this if they want to collect the money.

3. If it is proved that you really owe NCO money, you will have to pay them sooner or later. It is good to have a realistic idea about what you can afford to pay. Try to work out a payment plan with them, let them know what you can afford and chances are they will co-operate with you.

4. Always be patient with NCO or any other collection agency. Their ultimate aim is to get the money from you, by being patient and calm; you can work with them and eventually have them remove the debt from your credit report.

It is up to us to make the right decisions, act wisely and do everything we can to pay off the debt. As long as we act responsibly and judiciously, we can hope NCO will come around and co-operate with customers in the future.

by: Margaret James.

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