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Are Gold And Silver Coins A Scam Home Business?

A new network marketing opportunity has emerged that deals with gold and silver coins. Numismatics (new miss MA ticks) was the hobby of kings. It is the collection of rare or limited coins from all over the world, similar to an Art Collector's activities. A coin collector or coin specialist is called a Numismatist (new MIZ ma tist) and the study of coins is Numismatology (new MIZ ma TOL o jee). But why is this important to network marketers?


Everywhere you look these days there are signs and ads for buying gold and silver. Some say it is a sign of a shaky world economy. Some say it is simply that the value of gold and silver are on a constant rise over a long period of time. To an entrepreneur, the smell of profit lingers in the air. People who buy gold and silver depend on the seller's ignorance of the market or the seller's need for immediate cash. He then gambles on the continued rise of the metal's value.

How does this relate to Numismatics. Well, frankly, it doesn't. There is a large difference between collecting art, antiques, and rare or limited coins and dealing in the value of metal. Those who would profit in Numismatics would need to know the difference between bullion or "slab" coins and a graded or certified coin. Simply put, the value of the real Mona Lisa is not the same as a print.

When you buy bullion or coins that have not been graded or certified by a licensed agency, you are dealing in the price of metal. An American Eagle silver dollar, for example, if presented to a cashier, would be valued at one dollar. It's weight in silver right now, though, is $18. If you took nice pictures of it and auctioned it off on eBay, you might possibly get more. If you purchased a certified coin and had it encapsulated, you could get even more for it.

Whether you buy or sell as a home business or as a consumer, it is vital that you know these differences in value. One concerned eBay member issued a warning: to inform eBay consumers about the two best coin graders (NGC and ANACS) and giving a review on the rest.

An expert is needed to determine the value of the coin. This is called grading and according to the report above, NGC and ANACS are the most reliable.

Some factors that can make a coin more valuable are age, lack of availability and beauty. Numismatists have different tastes but one constant is the MS70 grading. It is certified to be perfect and encased for its protection. There may be many coins but not that many certified to be MS70 and this increases its value.

To prove this, simply do some research online. For example, one dealer online sells three different versions of the American Eagle silver dollar: a roll of "mint" coins for $459 ($22.95 a coin); an MS69 certified for $29.95; and an MS70 certified for $125.

Why? Because of the condition of the coin, established by an expert. This is how Numismatists value their coins. An antique collector does not want a tarnished and dented antique silver tray. It's that simple.

To get an idea of how much a purchased coin will be worth in the future, one can only look to the past. Using the charts below, you can see the major differences over the years in both age and grading. An MS70 is clearly the better choice. (To magnify the chart, use your Ctrl and + buttons on your keyboard)



Marketing gold and silver coins may very well be a lucrative business of the future. In making your choice, be sure to inform yourself well on the grade of coin and the demand in the market. At the very least, your stock is nowhere near perishable.

by: Cheryl Currie

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