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subject: How To Know If An Online Business Is Legitimate [print this page]

How To Know If An Online Business Is Legitimate

Finding a legitimate online business opportunity can be a nerve racking experience, especially if youhave fallenfor some "get rich quick without working"scheme in the past. The absolute truth is that there are very legitimate and honest online business opportunities that can allow you to live the life that you currentlyonly dream of living.The trick is knowing what to look for in the company or business opportunity that will reassure that without a doubt, the company is legitimate. So, here is what I tell others to do:

1. Check the BBB (Better Business Bureau) website for the company name- Sometimes companies with legitimate online business opportunities may not be on the BBB so it's not a sure thing, however, if the company is there, then that can give you some asurance and you can also see it's ratings and any comments about the company.

2. Look at the Website Contact info- If the business opportunity being offered is on a website, then check for contact info. If there is none, beware! If there is contact info. but there is only an email address, take caution, that doesn't neccessarily mean that they are'nt legitimate, but I would dig a little deeper by following some of my other suggesstions before giving them a penny. Think about it, you're looking for a stable, well qualified and sucessful Home Business Opportunity right? So, many largecompanies, have a headquarters, a phone number, customer support & training. Does the company your looking into have any of that?

3. What product/service do they offer?- If they promise you the world, butwon't tell you anything about the product or service that you are going to buy and ultimately also sell before you give them your money, then drop them like a rock. If they offer real products and even allow you to look at them, learn about them and even invite you to a live webinar or call alongwith thousands of other people to explain what they do, then, rest assured that the opportunity is legitimate.

4. Lastly, meet the CEO in person- ok,honestly that's not exactly always possible, but that's what happened to me a few years ago. I was searching desperately, looking from opportunity to opportunity for a way to live the life thatI and more importantly my wife deserved. Sound familiar? I'm just like you, except I was fortunate enough to actually have an encounter with Jay Kubbasek a few years back. Haven't heard of Jay Kubbasek? Jay is the co-founder of Carbon Copy Pro; an online marketing and training system for enreprenuers and business owners. Carbon Copy Pro is headquartered in the heart of New York City and has netted tens of millions of dollars in just the past few years.

So I ran into Jay Kubbasek and that was the day that I knew my life would finally be something to be proud of. I now live a life that you probably are still dreaming about, but you don't have to. Don't give up, there's hope. You'rereading thisfor a reason andit'sno coincidence. I became a CEO and an affiliateof theCarbon Copy Pro Productsand now if I have a question, I can call and a personal coach will work with me for free. There are more than a dozen live interactive webinars and phone calls each week, which are hosted by multi millionaires whoare there toshow you how to be the most successful business owner possible. They are very very legitimate and full of honest and integrity driven people. My life is forever changed.

So,I hope these key points have helped you on you journey to success. Obviously I have found mine and I hope that you too will find yours. For more inormation about the Carbon Copy Pro Opportunity visit and fill out the contact info.

How To Know If An Online Business Is Legitimate

By: paul

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