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subject: Guide To Government Business Development [print this page]

Guide To Government Business Development

Government business development has been responsible for much of the economic development at different times throughout our nation's history, and still today there are many enterprises of all sizes in market economies that are the engine of this continuing development. There are many enterprises around the country that began as very small, ambitious efforts to make for a better life for the owners while the public sector benefited from products and services that were offered. This is, in fact, at the heart of American enterprises today, large and small.

Often beginning as not much more than a vision for improving the very local economy, with time many enterprises have helped to build our economy really from the ground up. These businesses continue to grow and generate employment, making a significant impact on our economic growth for many reasons, including their private ownership, changing environments, entrepreneurial spirit and their adaptability.

These types of businesses are part of government business development for many reasons- the government shows interest in supporting them because it is an easy way to create new jobs, it increases the GDP and the standard of living for surrounding populations increases as well. Supporting entrepreneurship and encouraging people who start their own businesses means that there will be growth of GDP and many new jobs.

Government business development is a priority at all times, not just in times of economic hardship or splendor. Designing these programs as a consistent approach to entrepreneurship and small and medium entities in the form of government support strategies is key. These programs and the support from governing bodies provides for full coordination of activities of many different institutions, like employment bureaus and chambers of commerce. In addition, there is widespread development of national supporting institutions and networks of these businesses, which is one of the key conditions for success.

These supporting institutions of government business development provide information on regulations, standards, duties, and marketing issues, they advise on business planning, quality control and quality assurance as well as marketing and accountancy. One of the other important provisions of these supporting institutions is to also create incubator units to provide the space and the infrastructure for beginning companies and innovative businesses. They might also help solve technological problems and promote innovation, which is how new businesses grow and develop. Finally, in order to stimulate entrepreneurship and improve the business environment for the smaller enterprises, the government business development plans aid in looking for partners for strength, guidance, reference and support for those smaller companies.

by: Phoenix Delray

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