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Call Termination – Understanding Its Value for your Business

Voice over internet protocol or VoIP is fast becoming the best way to communicate, particularly in the corporate world, so call termination services will likely be needed for your company if they go that route. If your business has branches or even customers all over the world, a cheaper way to communicate is necessary to maintain profitability. IP telephony services will soon overtake traditional long distance and conference calling methods using the standard call routing network before the digital age really blossomed.

How It All Works

The procedure for terminating calls, particularly for VoIP, involves two end parties. The calling party or origination point places the call which is then routed through a public switched telephone network (PSTN). The call recipient or called party is the defining termination point. Basically, when a call is placed using VoIP, it must be processed or routed to an end point, thus the need for a call termination service.

A number of providers offer this type of termination service for VoIP users. In fact, this is becoming quite popular not only with large corporations but also small business owners and even individuals. Often times, there are several operating tiers your VoIP communications go through, depending on where you place your call, before termination is complete. For instance, if you were calling within the same country, chances are you would only go through one tier. However, if you were calling a country half way around the world, there may be several tiers between you (the origin point) to the recipient (the ultimate termination point). Wholesale providers are available who basically lease portions of these tiered networks and then resell services to you.

Choosing a Provider

If you or your company makes calls all over the world, you will want a telephony termination provider that has access to networks all over the world too. Look for providers that offer A to Z or A-Z termination services which are the best indication that the company is well-rounded and has the access you need for world-wide VoIP communications.

Because there is a wide variety of VoIP software available for your communication needs, look for a termination provider that is well-versed in a variety of them, particularly yours. Also, ask whether the provider offers remote support since sometimes it might be necessary for them to gain access to your computer networks to troubleshoot problems. This offered feature can be quite beneficial to you and help you avoid any noticeable communication down time.

Just like rotary dialled telephones are virtually extinct, the "old" way of making long distance calls is going away. Embrace the digital age and save money with VoIP communication using a call termination provider.

Call Termination Understanding Its Value for your Business

By: Chris Jenkinson

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