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subject: The Choice Of Your Document Management System Can Significantly Impact Your Day To Day Business Effi [print this page]

The Choice Of Your Document Management System Can Significantly Impact Your Day To Day Business Effi

If your company works in a field where you must send and receive large digital documents regularly as part of your routine processes, you have only limited choices for transmittal of the important files. Email is quick and convenient, but it is not capable of handling very large blueprints or CAD files, for instance. FTP, or file transfer protocol, is another way to send and receive large digital documents, but it has its drawbacks. Many of the software programs for FTP are hard to use and time consuming as well. In addition, both email and FTP files are not particularly secure; they can be hacked by those who want to see your confidential information.

This leaves the option of using a courier service for mailing documents, but with this system you have a much higher cost due to printing and shipping expenses than sending your files digitally. It makes sense to select an electronic document management software that offers the security and efficiency you need to make it cost effective for your architecture, construction or engineering firm.

There are several features that you will want to look for when you are choosing document management solutions for your company. Digital and automated file transmittal should occur in a very short process, much like adding an attachment to an email message. The document management software should also run on common operating systems, including Windows, MacOS or Linux. In this way, you will not need to take time out for training on how to use the system, and it will increase your productivity every time you use it.

Better electronic document management systems should also include a tracking feature to help you stay on top of your work load. At the very least, it should come with a date and time stamp. This will show exactly when someone made changes to a document, helping you to keep the entire history of the large file straight. The system will also need to have some type of alert system in place, where you get sent an email whenever a change has been made to a document or whenever the document has been accessed by a client. The system should also keep a history of the document, so that you can easily tell on which version of the file you are working, a very important feature when you have a team working on multiple files.

When you use this type of online document management system, it saves you both time and money because it makes your daily operations more streamlined.

by: Wayne Hemrick

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