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Proven Online Business Ideas

Are you looking for some online business ideas? Sometimes the ideas on the internet can be hypothetical, but if you are like me, you want to hear a real-life person's story. You want to hear how he or she build a business from scratch and not because they are internet marketing experts. I know exactly what you mean.

Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself. My wife Kerry and I call ourselves "The Couple Next Door" because we are just like you when it comes to internet marketing. Neither one of us has a degree in computers or in business. Instead, we have built up a large base of knowledge and experience when it comes to starting an internet business. It happened almost by accident when I was in my 40s. I started going to seminary and needed an income to support my family. So I began creating information products.

Online Business Idea #1 - use the Knowledge in Your Head

The truth is that if we can do it, you can, too. Like I said, I have not always had an online business. For 20 years, I did home remodeling. Then my wife started up a little company called Curriculum Connection. She wanted to help other homeschoolers find curriculum to use. As it grew, she began asking me, "Steve, do you know how to build web pages? How can we get online with our products?" So I started working on it, and even though I was clueless at first, I quickly figured it out. At the same time, I was in seminary.

So I was 2000 miles from home. No friends, no family, and no job. And I had to replace that remodeler income it took me 20 years to build. I had to replace it fast. And I had to do all of this in my part-time because seminary required me to read 15,000 pages a year!

That got me looking for the perfect business. And I know that you probably have your hands full, too. You have a lot going on, but you can take your idea for a business and begin building it today. Soon you might even see your income surpass your current job.

Online Business Idea #2 - Define Your Criteria

But like I said, I started looking for the perfect business, and these were my criteria. I wanted to do something one time and get paid over and over. I wanted to invest a few hours a week and get paid really well. I wanted to sell a product, have it get delivered, get paid, have my partners get paid if I had some, all without me doing a thing. I wanted it on autopilot. And I wanted not just to get paid one time for a product. I wanted to turn every sale into a monthly income stream. I wanted low start up costs, high reward for little risks. I wasn't asking for too much was I?

Well, a lot of people would say I was asking for the moon. But think about this. The only thing I know of that will meet all of those criteria is selling information products on the internet. Because with an info product, you can create something one time and get paid over and over and over.

You start off by spending a little time packaging quality content, market it on the internet, and then sell it quickly and painlessly. You really could almost put the whole thing on auto pilot.

Online Business Idea #3 - Start Small

You may have multiple dollar signs flashing through your mind, but I challenge you to think realistically. You can start an online business with only a small investment. You can own a domain name for $15 a year. You can pay $50 a year to host your site and another $20 to employ an autoresponder. It is a good idea to start small and grow into your business. Think of it as a snowball rolling downhill.

So if you have an idea, start today! Take these online business ideas and begin to market your products. You will find yourself headed to more financial freedom.

by: Stephen Beck

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