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Chair Massage: Alleviate Hurts Sooner

You're feeling it, the dread of returning to the office after a nice long weekend. Back to the stress of the workplace, the boss, the co-workers. Surely theres some sort of relief from all of this (short of a two-week vacation to Bermuda!) These days, some offices are allowing everything from on-site child-care, in-house pharmacies to naps. Now, guess whats becoming commonplace - chair massage. It is a relative low-cost way to help get through the day, and is far less expensive than other employee benefits.

Massage is the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue. This is done to enhance function and promote relaxation and well-being. If you are looking to modern medicine to cure your issues, maybe you are looking in the wrong place. The art of massage dates way back, back to over 3000 years. It has been documented by the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians. They all applied forms of massage for many ailments. Hippocrates even wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems. Are you interested in finding how this art of massage is practiced? Many, many, many methods, over 250 to be precise, are used. Some of these are tapping, kneading, vibration, rocking, applying pressure to muscles, stroking and compression!

The art of massage became popular in the US in the 1800s. It had a surge of popularity until the 1930s and 40s. When modern medicine came to the forefront, the art of massage therapy became discounted as lesser than. Suddenly, it became popular again in the 1960s and 1970s when nurses began to use it to relieve pain in patients. It again gained credibility when, in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta it was used as core medical service. Are you convinced? Do you want whats good enough for an Olympian?

Some employees merit extra bonuses! In some situations, office managers will hire therapists to come to their business. There are some proven advantages to both employee and employer. It can be an incentive for performance, or just a kind gesture. The therapists will come in the morning or afternoon. These employees will perform better, have a decrease in stress and an improvement in blood circulation. Lower blood pressure and a decrease in muscle ache will ensue. Sitting at a desk, eyes on the computer can take its toll.
Chair Massage: Alleviate Hurts Sooner

Most office-related physical symptoms can be attributed to loss of circulation. Tight muscles caused by stress and sitting behind a desk all day, especially at a work station that is not ergonomically designed, can impede blood and lymph flow through the body. The result is mental fogginess, decreased energy and susceptibility to repetitive stress injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome. Chair massage can also benefit employer. When the employee is relaxed and pain free, his/her productivity increases, stress level is lowered. Employees are absent fewer days, workers compensation is decreased. Happy workers are productive workers! If your office doesn't offer this, maybe you can find a local massage salon that provides this service. I know its something I could definitely use. And I'm not even in an office for 8 hours a day. However, as a mother of 3 girls 9 and under, I'm certainly due some sort of relief!

by: Darrel White

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