Dental Lab Tulsa, Dental Supplies, Dental Laboratory
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Stopping the Sticks and Stones
Stopping the Sticks and Stones
Growing up can be painful and growing up with terribly
crooked teeth can make it even harder. Local dentist, Mark
Hodge remembers first-hand how cruel kids can be. He remembers
how he would try to smile with his lips together and how he would
cover his mouth when he laughed. He also remembers the isolation
and the damage it all did to his self-confidence.
Mark had crooked teeth. He says they werent just a little
crooked. They were so crooked that the kids had a special nickname
for him. And as he spoke the word softly to me, tears came to
his eyes. In fact, even after all of these years, the wounds are painful
enough he asked me not to print it.
The eldest of five kids, he explained that his folks absolutely
could not afford braces. His dad was a preacher and they didnt
have a lot extra. But somehow they worked it out and he got braces
when he was in the ninth grade. By the time he was ready to graduate,
he had nice, straight teeth.
It completely changed his life and he knew then that he wanted
to become a dentist. He wanted to help people feel good about their
Now, he shouts his message to every parent who will listen
Dont let your child be bullied. There is a solution!
He explains that although braces are effective, he can offer a
solution that provides the health and emotional benefit, without a
mouthful of metal. If the goal is to improve themselves socially,
they dont have to risk taking a step backward by wearing traditional
braces, he insists.
The alternative is called Invisalign. It is a series of clear plastic
aligners that are made especially for your childs teeth. Manufactured
to exact calculations, each aligner is designed to gradually
shift the teeth into a slightly new position. Approximately every
two weeks, Dr. Hodge will replace the aligner with another one
designed to take up where the last one left off.
The aligners are nearly invisible, yet they can be taken out for
a special occasion or for pictures. They can be removed for eating,
so your teen wont have to suffer embarrassing moments of getting
food stuck in their braces or not being able to eat certain foods
when they are out with friends. Invisalign aligners are easy to clean
and your teen will remove them prior to brushing his or her teeth.
The Invisalign process is not painful. Unlike traditional braces,
there is no pain from heavy tightening and no waxing needed to
protect the lips and mouth from sores. However, there is sometimes
a slight discomfort (like wearing a new pair of shoes) that can happen
when a new aligner in put in place.
Dr. Hodge says the cost and the result of Invisalign is approximately
the same as wearing traditional braces. But the lifestyle
your child will enjoy will be dramatically different. With Invisalign,
whether your child plays the saxophone, does pom, or plays football,
they will achieve a beautiful, straight smile without many of
the hassles of braces.
The gift of straight, beautiful teeth is one of the best things you
could give your child. After all, smiles are too special to ever be
covered up.
by: Jess Vess
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