subject: Gen. Washington Of The United States Continental Army And Illinois Atty. Abraham Lincoln [print this page] The first known case of a soldier being discharged from the U.S. military for homosexual acts took place in February 1778: Lt. Gotthold Frederick Enslin was court-martialed after being discovered in bed with another soldier, and he was expelled from the Continental Army by order of Gen. Washington.
And Abe Lincoln was a man of great integrity and honesty. Maybe that was why Abraham Lincoln failed as an Illinois Lawyer before he was elected as President.
Our Fore fathers paid a great price of Godly reverence and service through prayer for our Nation and for the peace and blessings that we enjoy here in America. Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 11:11
By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.
And Isaiah 32:17says 17 The fruit of righteousness will be peace;
the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.
Sow to yourselves inrighteousness, reap according to kindness; break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek Jehovah, till he come and rainrighteousness upon you.
Veronica Sorger of Matt Sorger Ministries says that Righteousness protects us and that there is safety in living for the Lord.
It is the love of God that will draw all mankind unto HIM. But we have to get back to our Moral Standards that were lost when they removed prayer and the ten commandments out of our schools That is when our integrity started sliding.
In the days of our fore fathers one was shunned in the community and marked with a disgraceful shame if they were caught lying or stealing. They left all their doors and windows unlatched because of their respect for each other. If you tried that in New Jersey, New York, Albequerqie or Los Angelos you might not make it to see the sun rise ever again for the crime rate so high in those areas.
I have loved ones and friends who have been decieved by the lie of same sex relations. I will never condemn them, I condemn the deception and the lies that the destoyer has snared them with. Everyone gets sick sometimes, Addictions to drugs is a sickness too. Just like alcoholism. You never hate the victim no matter the sin. You try to pull them to safety!
Gen. Washington Of The United States Continental Army And Illinois Atty. Abraham Lincoln
By: Kim Gerred
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