subject: Are You Tired With Your Bookkeeping Services? [print this page] In order to reduce costs, many small businesses hire part-time book keeping services instead of the full-time. But usually what happens is that these part-time bookkeepers are not professional and expert accountants and are unable to keep accurate financial records for that business. End result is: non-satisfaction of the business owner!
Are you tired with your bookkeeping services? You should better change your bookkeepers instantly and switch over your accounting and bookkeeping tasks to some other professional and reliable service.
Here are the things a professional bookkeeping service will give you, what your current service is not:
Tracks Your Financial Success or Failure
A good bookkeeping service gives you a clear picture of your finances, showing your previous and present financial growth. Using this data, you can judge your failures and successes as a business. This way you can know whether youre making money, whether your sales are increasing, and how much payments you make.
Provides Financial Information
In order to make accurate business decisions, you need to have financial information at hand. Without financial information, its difficult to judge what impact a certain action will cause to your business and gives you insights as to what should be done next. This way, it saves you from incurring losses due to ignorance.
Prepare Income Statement
Income statement is the foremost requirement of any bank when youre extending yourself for loans. In order to approve for financial financing, the bank will want to see your income statement, balance sheet and tax returns for the most current and prior years, as well as projected statements showing the impact of the requested loan. Moreover, income statement is also the only bait to attract investors, creditors and suppliers toward your business.
Prepares Budget
Budget is a kind of financial guideline for business to follow. Without properly planned budget, the entire business can face losses due to lack of organization and mismanagement of finances. Budget preparing keeps the finances accurately managed and arranged for a business.
Prepare and File Your Income Tax Returns
No matter what kind of business you have, preparing and filing income tax returns are necessary. An efficient bookkeeping service not only prepares, but also files tax returns on time, thus saving you from heavy IRS penalties and punishments. Moreover, poor bookkeeping may cause underpayment or overpayment of your taxes.
Prepare Your Payrolls
Its important to not let petty issues come in way of your business productivity. A perfect bookkeeping service relieves you from the unnecessary and hassling tasks of payroll processing and Payroll tax returns filing. While sound bookkeeping services will observe payroll rules and regulations, and late payment of payroll taxes may result in severe penalties.
If your bookkeeping service is not familiar with the above aspects, you can afford to keep up with it. Its time to change your bookkeeping service, and make a difference to your business.
by: James parker
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