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Month End Money - Easy Cash at Your Aid

So many times you find your self unprepared to face any expense that comes your way. Your next payday is far. How are you going to manage your childs education fee or pay off other pending bills? Apply for month end money.

These advances offer you credit ranging from 80 to 1500. The repayment period extends from 1- 30 days. The lender will also extend this period if you ask him to do so. However you are charged a penalty fee every time the period s extended.

Pay off all your piled up telephone bills, electricity bills, you can now renovate your home, pay for your wedding expenses, pay the education fees of your children and so on.

The application procedure is very simple. You just have to fill the application form. It hardly takes few minutes. Make sure you submit the correct details. The funds are transferred to your account within 24 hours.

By the end of 30 days you have to repay the funds you borrowed. The advantages of this form of credit are that they are readily available to solve your monetary needs. They do t involve credit checks; hence the funds are available to you at a faster rate. Bad credit holders can also avail this finance. Tenants and non homeowners can also apply for them.

The disadvantages of these funds are that they carry a high rate of interest as they are short tem loans. You have to pay an additional fee if you extend the repayment period.

Eligibility conditions:

You must be a citizen of UK

You must be above 18 years of age.

You must be employed with a regular income of at least 1000

You must also have a valid bank account.

Online medium is a faster way to avail the loan. Fill the application form with the correct information. You do not have to stand in long queues waiting for approval. It does not involve any documentation. Moreover you can also compare the different interest rates charged by the different lenders.

Month End Money - Easy Cash at Your Aid

By: Rick Russel

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