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subject: Accord hood - the value for money option [print this page]

When we choose and buy our car the decision is based on a combination of hard facts and emotional appeal. And it would have been a bit of a tussle in our minds as our heart would have pulled in one direction and our brain respecting only the facts in another. And once we have bought the car we are sort of aware that to cross the final hurdles and come out a winner a car has to appeal both to your heart and to your brain.

Therefore when you are looking to do up your car it will make sense to check out products that improve the looks of the car and appeal to your heart but at the same time improve the performance and appeal to your brain as well. Now you may think that such products are hard to come by but there are quite a few of them and if you own a popular car such as a Honda Accord you can consider going in for an Accord hood. You will find that a carbon fiber hood not only enhances the looks of your car it very elegantly improves its performance as well. And that means you get something for the emotional appeal of your car and also for a cold headed rational performance evaluation of your car.

Since the hood of the car is located right at the front it has a big impact on the looks of the car. And when you make it look stylish the car as a whole gets a new image. And the fact that a carbon fiber hood is light and strong means that the weight of your car comes down and therefore its power to weight ratio goes up. This makes the car give a more lively performance. Also since there is less load on the front wheels of the car you will feel the car response better to the steering wheel since we steer the car with the help of the front tire. As you can see a simple product such as a carbon fiber hood gives you a lot of benefits. You can see the latest Accord hoods at


Accord hood - the value for money option

By: Louie

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