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subject: Traffic Formula 2.0 Review: What's The Fuss? [print this page]

If you try to shake down any tree, you might let loose a few leaves and maybe a rotten twig or two. But what Mike Dillard's Traffic Formula 2.0 is set out to do on June 3, 2009 is to make the MLM "tree" sway enough to get rid of a lot of unproductive branches in the MLM business. He'll been shaking up some pretty old trees while he's at it, too.

Delivering the Goods

Whenever a product is launched in the Internet or elsewhere, there's always a lot of fanfare that come with it - and more cleaning up afterwards, too. But somewhere in the middle the product that is being sold is just overlooked, like a hardbound book with empty pages.

But we won't be talking about product launching in this Traffic Formula 2.0 Review because it's not about big openings; it's about getting people to see it and that when the toasts have been given and the champagne has been drunk, you will still be in business the next day. Wouldn't you rather start small and build up your own comfortable yet sustainable little niche, than for your business to go in full tilt - only to hit an iceberg in the middle of nowhere?

Bring it On

Although Mike Dillard will be taking you on a less traveled path, take it from me in this Traffic Formula 2.0 Review: you will get there much faster and with a complete set of directions. You also need not worry about running out of fuel. All he asks is that you watch his video for 36 minutes.

The old MLM boat is sinking, and rather than sink along with it, why not see for yourself how to patch up the big gashing hole left by the tenacious yet unreasonable clinging to the outdated and overused methods of prospecting? Although the launch date of June 3, 2009 is long past, your journey on a faster, more reliable ship can be just beginning with Mike Dillard's Traffic Formula 2.0.

Without traffic and leads, folks, our online businesses are dead in the water.

by: Art Basmajian

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