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subject: Providing Safety To The Public And Your Business [print this page]

Providing Safety To The Public And Your Business

And if your day to day work involves the general public, then it is important to ensure that you have adequate financial protection against any liabilities. Even a relatively minor incident can end up costing you a substantial amount of money if it is deemed to have been your fault. But, by taking out a public liability insurance policy, you will be covered for a number of different scenarios; it will give you protection if a member of the public is harmed whilst you are carrying out your work and it will also insure you against any accidental damage to their property.

So, what kind of businesses will need to have this type of public liability cover in place? Well, a far greater variety than you would imagine and many of these are fairly obvious. Shops, amusement parks and sporting events will all require the correct liability insurance and it is easy to understand why; the more people that are in one place, the higher the risk of something going wrong.

However, with some professions the need for this kind of insurance is not so immediately clear. For example, you would probably see little reason for a wedding photographer to have a form of liability cover in place. But it could actually be a very good idea. If he/she were booked to take the pictures for someones big day and accidentally damaged their property in the process, then this insurance could end up saving them quite a lot of money. Without it, the wedding photo shoot could change from a day of tidy profit into a time of infuriating financial loss!

It is simple to understand which professions require the protection of liability insurance if you sit and think about it. Anyone whose work puts them into direct contact with the general public would be strongly advised to consider this type of cover. And this could mean many different professions; mobile hairdressing, bouncy castle hire, DVD rental or domestic cleaning services. We should always try to carry out our work with safety at the forefront of our minds, but the unfortunate truth is that accidents and mishaps will still happen from time to time. So it is a very good idea to be prepared for them when they do!

by: Jack Authors

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