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Invaluable secretary jobs in businesses

The role of a personal assistant or a secretary to a manager has evolved over time. With the advent of computer technology and internet, these job profiles are now demanding a little bit of general technical knowledge also. If looked upon with a detailed view, secretarial jobs are the aid tools that allow the managers to continue with their specialty areas and the core activities of the business.

By handling the complementary work efficiently, personal secretaries play a pivotal role in sharing the responsibilities of a manager. Their skills and dedication contributes to the invaluable business success and glory.

Even in the corporate houses or businesses where it is claimed they do all their work on their own, they are entangled in the various work pieces that may not be directly related to their profiles and may hamper their performance as a professional.

The roles of the personal assistants and secretaries have grown beyond preparing notes, minutes of the meetings, transfer calls, fix appointments or maintain a calendar. A personal assistant has now bigger and greater responsibilities such as arranging corporate meets, preparing for the press releases, dealing with debtors and creditors on behalf of the managers and dealing with the suppliers as well as internal higher authorities.

Various job profiles for a secretarial job differ in responsibilities and work types. A stenographer may be limited to type the notes and letters for internal and external communication of the business. It includes notes for the employees informing about the new timings or some new rules to be followed. Letters for external communication may include letters to the customers, debtors and creditors for negotiating and closing of the deals and disseminating information. The profile revolves around typing.

Front office executives are responsible to entertain all the guests to the company with their kind gestures and hospitality. The guests may include customers, debtors/creditors, business associates as well as job applicants. A font office executive will have to handle the appointments with these guests and manage them as per the instruction of the manager. They also have to handle incoming and outgoing calls effectively with pleasing and courteous tones. This is somewhat similar to that of a receptionist.

The job responsibilities and work types may alter from company to company, based on the size and nature of the company as well as the remuneration for this job. The reality is, these Secretary jobs are invaluable business support tools that are meant to share the work load with the managers and enabling them to focus on the business's core competencies.

Invaluable secretary jobs in businesses

By: swati

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