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Choosing The Right Stationary For Businesses

Business stationary is an important tool in creating a strong branded image, and can say many things about your company. Creating personalised business stationary can look very impressive, and will allow you to design your own themes which include company colours, logos and statements.

Letterheads are one of the most common forms of personalised business stationary, and they can be customised in many different ways. Banners of colour across the top or bottom of the page can look very smart, and a company name, logo and statement or catchphrase will all add to the design. Many companies also like to add a contact address and phone number to their design. If you have a few pieces of information you would like to incorporate into your business stationary, it may be a good idea to design a letter template which includes a header and a footer, to incorporate everything you wish to include. The header may be a bold wash of your company colour with your name and logo displayed prominently, and the footer may then include more details such as contact information. Designing your own letterhead is a great starting point for creating other business stationery which fits into your branded image, and having a clear colour scheme is a good place to start.

Many modern businesses may not send out a great deal of letters, so it is a good idea to have a range of other business stationary which includes your colours scheme and company name. Business cards are great to supply your employees with, as they are exchanged very regularly at meetings, trade shows and other networking appointments. Cards branded with a clear company colour and logo look professional, and business cards are a good tool for creating links and finding new customers.

Compliment slips are also a great item of business stationary, which can be distributed easily with any correspondence or goods that you send out. Many businesses may send out goods and products to their customers much more frequently than they send out letters. Compliment slips are very easy to slip into a parcel or package, and are a good way of adding a businesslike touch to any orders which you dispatch.

Creating personalised business stationary is very easy, as there are a wide range of online providers who can offer print and even design services should you require them. Many people will know the type of design that they would like, and will either be able to design it themselves or ask a member of the company to do it for them. Alternatively, many online companies will be able to provide a design for you based on your specifications, which they can then print onto any stationary items that you choose. Lots of companies will offer great deals for buying in bulk, so larger orders will often result in a much lower cost per item. This is a great way to save money, and will enable you to stock up on branded stationary to last you longer.

by: Louise Hodge

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