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subject: Is Your Business Opportunity Stuck In A Paradigm? [print this page]

Is Your Business Opportunity Stuck In A Paradigm?

Breaking out of a paradigm has never been easier. If you dont know how important a paradigm shift can be to your new business opportunity or venture, view Joel Barkers video

He explains that industries stuck in the old ways of doing things can miss out on huge opportunities to capitalize on new trends, and once you understand the power of this you will be chomping at the bit to find a product that lends itself to this concept.

Heres a product that meets all of these requirements and more. Its a patented process to emboss custom texts, heartfelt phrases, corporate logos, and beautiful photos directly onto the petals of live, fresh flowers.

Imagine putting a message to your sweetheart right on the petals of a velvety, red rose. Imagine having a bad day and getting a rose with the words You are beautiful written on it. Imagine getting an invitation to a corporate event that is written on the petals of a silk rose. Imagine the impact of a corporate logo embossed on a rose in gold metallic ink as an advertising tool. The power of printing on a petal is a phenomenon that is taking billion dollar markets by storm.

This process has been used to create roses for the Miss America contest, the Kentucky Derby, the Rose Bowl, and the Oscar Nominations. Speaking Roses have been applauded by celebrities like Tom Cruise, Ellen DeGeneres, Alan Alda, Janet Jackson, and Donald Trump. They have been featured on the Today Show, CNN, Fox News Live, and E!Entertainment.

The opportunity to buy the license to create these flowers and tap into the 80 billion dollars worth of markets made up by the gift, greeting card, floral and promotional markets is now available to you. Check it out at

by: Rene

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