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subject: A Business Opportunity That Is A License To Break Out Of Your Paradigm [print this page]

A Business Opportunity That Is A License To Break Out Of Your Paradigm

In todays economy, choosing a business opportunity that gives you the most advantages for financial success is critical. The freedom to use your own creative genius is often enhanced by taking advantage of licensing agreements in which you can market a product in almost any way you deem necessary, rather than a franchise which gives you very little ability to make independent business decisions.

Your best bet for marketing a product is to take advantage of a concept called a paradigm shift. This concept is discussed by futurist Joel Barker in his video Here he teaches how the ability of an industry to do things in innovative ways, shifting out of their set pattern or paradigm. This means that their ability to capitalize on new trends and ideas is optimized. Of course then their chances for financial success are much greater.

Many large industries have a tendency to keep doing things the same way they have always done. This makes them miss out on many opportunities. These industries are stuck in their paradigm, and the products they market will be the same products that have been around for years.

Heres a product that meets the requirements for breaking out of a paradigm that the floral industry has been in since its beginning. Typically, flowers are sold for special occasions - Mothers Day, Valentines Day, birthdays, anniversaries, and the like. Occasionally a special event calls for flowers, but the uses for flowers remain pretty much the same as they have always been.

Until a company by the name of Speaking Roses created a patented process to emboss phrases, messages, logos, and photos directly onto the petals of live, fresh flowers. This innovative product has the ability to tap into multiple products, like the gift industry, the floral industry, the greeting card industry, and the promotional industry.

Check them out at

by: Rene

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