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subject: Five Reasons To Adopt Los Angeles Voip For Your Business [print this page]

Five Reasons To Adopt Los Angeles Voip For Your Business

In general, the number one benefit to adopting the VoIP technology in your Los Angeles business is to increase efficiency and decrease cost. In todays business, unified communication is increasingly critical for both large and small businesses as more employees work remotely and virtual offices are created. The following outlines five key reasons to ditch your old phone systems and adopt VoIP technology.

1. Save Money. Usually the most important factor a business must consider is cost versus benefit, and Los Angeles VoIP systems offer great savings potential to all businesses alike. Businesses with both high call volume and to long distance destinations would benefit from this technology once a private data network is established utilizing SIP based calling. You will be able to remove costs associated with new lines, maintenance, needed upgrades, and additional equipment. Usually an initial setup is required, then the single centralized network permits unified communications, removing the need for separate Internet, data capabilities, or more telephone lines.

2. Convenience. Using VoIP for your business allows the portability advantage to use their phones anywhere there is an Internet signal, and allows convenient transitions between laptops, desktops, and mobile phones. Softphones also have a full range of features allowing the user to connect to the network from any location, and allow employees to be accessible at the touch of a button.

3. User Interface. No other available technology is so easy to configure and use. Certain Los Angeles VoIP providers give their customers the ability to customize features to meet the needs of different business types. Features such as speed dial, call blocking, music on hold, and automatic transfers are just some of the easily configurable features.

4. VoIP Media Options. Standard telephone systems are limited in their text, voice, and fax capabilities and do not offer options for video or conference calls. The VoIP technology gives the user the ability to communicate on different levels, bringing together different applications for an efficient method for you to stay in touch with your customers or associates. There are also Internet browsing, email, and click to call capabilities to maximize efficiency.

5. Free of Geographic Restrictions. The final benefit to using the VoIP technology is to break free of any locational limitations. Your business may be located in Los Angeles, but you have the ability to maintain virtual offices throughout the world all the while expanding your business.

Utilizing the technology of VoIP will give you a more cost effective and productive user experience. With more options to communicate with others than ever before, you have the ability to network and telecommute virtually resulting in more flexibility and less staffing turnover. Everybody wins in this situation.

by: Jessica Peloski

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