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Small Business Online Marketing

Trying to market a small business offline is almost impossible in this day and age. With money generally being so tight across the country, and advertising costs rising, it is very difficult for a small company to be able to wage a meaningful traditional marketing campaign. This isn't the case online though. Just one powerful internet marketing tool employed in the right fashion can be enough to help a small business start meeting with success online.

There are a number of techniques that you can use to promote a business online very affordably. You need to focus on those which you feel that you understand, and which you can implement confidently. The best marketing campaigns don't need to include every method for internet marketing that is out there, but should include a good blend in order to give you a balanced approach.

The first tool that you're going to want to use when learning to promote a small business online is that of search engine optimization. Search engines like Google still guide the vast majority of the traffic online, and you want to be sure that you're getting your share of this. There are many resources out there which can teach you basic SEO, such as optimizing each page of your site for certain keywords, and this is a method that is certainly worth exploring.

The next method that you should look into is social networking. Most people who are online are already social networking in some method, whether that is using Facebook or Twitter, and just haven't thought to use this aspect of the internet to promote their business. Using Facebook and Twitter can be one of the best ways to get the word out about a business online because of how fast word can spread along their networks.

If you do have some budget for online marketing, there are some methods of promoting a small business online which cost a small amount of money, but which are very effective. The most effective of these is probably paid search, or PPC. This means that you will pay a search engine a small amount of money every time someone clicks on a link to your site. This is a very effective method of promoting a small business, but can be costly if you're not familiar with how PPC campaigns work. If you truly want to see results online though, you do need to learn more about pay per click marketing.

by: Scott P Gallagher

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