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Mafia Wars Money Codes - Get Them Now!
Mafia Wars Money Codes - Get Them Now!

What if we told you, that by the end of today you could have added over $1,273,742 coins to your Mafia Wars bank account, as well as unlocking every single crime capital in the game? Would you be happy - short answer, yes! Forget slaving away like you used to completeing meaningless jobs for a few simple pennies, with these amazing Mafia Wars codes, that becomes a thing of the past, history, gone, zip, zero, zilch, nada!

Mafia Wars Money Codes - Get Them Now!

Mafia Wars is one of the most famous and renowned social gaming applications available on the web today. Hosted across three platforms; Facebook, MySpace and the iPhone, at peak it managed to boast twenty five million monthly players, meaning just under a third of all budding Facebookers played the game. Mafia Wars is very similar to a game known as Mob Wars, which it is widely regarded to have copied, so much so that Zynga Inc, the creators of Mafia Wars had a class action lawsuit placed against them. Weirdly enough, Mafia Wars being their first and primary game, doesn't mirror the layout and structure of Zynga's other games such as Farmville, Cafe World, Treasure Isle and Fishville which all follow the same game design, just a different theme.

When I first got my hands on these Mafia Wars codes, I was estatic, and I sure had a reason to be. Never before had my account balance managed to reach above $30,000 even though I'd been playing for what seemed like years. After implementing the codes, I saw my grand total bank balance rise from just under that to $1,273,742 in a matter of a few days. I'd definitely recommend that you get these Mafia Wars codes as soon as you possibly can!

Mafia Wars Money Codes - Get Them Now!

Mafia Wars Money Codes - Get Them Now!

By: mafiawarscodexab2

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