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subject: Gripe Water Reviews [print this page]

Does your newborn suffer from colic, dyspepsia or wind? If you are in search for a remedy for colic then I am positive you must have stumbled upon gripe water remedies. If you want to know the gripe water reviews, true facts and truth behind this remedy you have come to the right spot!

There are so many diverse cures for colic and so many opposing reviews on all of them-which ones work? The aim is to provide with all the material you need, unbiased information, for you to be able to make the very best decision for your baby.

Gripe water is an age old cure that was founded in England in the 1800's. Gripe water can be bought anywhere in the world and is readily available in pharmacies and even convenience shops.

Gripe water is known as a natural formula for easing colic in babies but these days every brand has a altered variant of gripe water for babies. The original gripe water had dill, fennel, sodium bicarbonate and alcohol which has been deemed as unsafe for infant consumption.

It is very easy to be confused as a buyer and to assume that gripe water describes a certain specific concoction of herbs however it is much easier to think of it as an umbrella term for example cough syrup. To be safe, try and stay away from any product that consists of alcohol and contents that are not purely herbal in nature.

Does gripe water actually work to ease and cure colic as effectively as it says? Why does it seem to work for some and not for others? Soothing and curing are two very different things as soothing is simply easing the pain but curing is getting rid of the root of the pain.

More often than not, colic has been put down to excess gas, indigestion and wind but there are simply symptoms and not the cause of colic. What causes indigestion, gas, wind and reflux-this is the question that needs to be answered in order to say that gripe water can treat colic.

Gripe water soothes the symptoms of colic by aiding babies digestion and helps to soothe the pain associated with teething, however, there is no proof that gripe water heals colic. It is not possible to cure colic by treating the symptoms whats more the symptoms are plentiful. It is no wonder why this remedy works to soothe some babies and not others. For it to work on all baby's it must treat the cause of colic. It is impossible to treat colic by treating the symptoms.

by: Samantha Johanson

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