subject: Injections For Impotence - Demonstration & How To [print this page] Many men would rather stick a needle in their eye than use injection therapy for impotence.
Pills like Viagra, Cialis or Levitra may not be working for these men, but they mistakenly rule out using injection therapy for erectile dysfunction, because surprisingly little information has been published about the individual experiences men are having with the use of ED shots - at least until today. is a new online forum and mens health education website that is dedicated to discussing the experience individuals are having with injection therapy for impotence.
I wish this website had been available to me, when I was looking for information about injections, says Al Orr, the man who created
One reason many men wont think about using a needle is that until now other men have not been willing to share their personal experience with this type of treatment for erectile dysfunction. However, Al Orr has produced a collection of information available in private, and confidential, members-only forum. Members can watch a 20-minute video, read an e-book, and anonymously ask questions, and receive answers, from their peers, regarding what it is like to use injection therapy for impotence.
According to Orr, Men must consult with a licensed physician before using any medication, but in my experience, using an injection for impotence is just a tiny pinch. The benefits far outweigh any inconvenience. I wish I hadnt waited so long to learn about it. provides information about the individual experiences of individual men so that other men and their partners can determine if injection therapy for impotence is a topic they should discuss with their licensed physician. No physical products are offered or sold. is published by Basman Corporation.
by: Al Orr
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