subject: Why Is It Important To Pay Off Your Credit Card Bills Debt Early [print this page] Why is it important to pay off your credit card bills early? Have you considered this question seriously? Do you usually forget your credit card's due date of payment? Are you in the habit of putting off your payment obligations thinking that it will not hurt you? You may not realize the importance of paying off your debts on time but read on the rest of this article and start changing your standpoint.
Late fees hurt your credit. If you think late fees do not affect your credit score, you're mistaken. The timeliness of your payment makes up 15% of your total credit score. Thus, even just a single late fee can hurt your score badly.
Furthermore, paying off your balance completely each month also improves the status of your credit. Contrary to popular belief, carrying over a credit card balance from month to month will not really boost your rating. What matters is your credit to debt ratio and if you've been using up too much of your credit, you're hurting your score all the more.
Late fees mean high interest rates. Obviously, failing to pay your full balance on time will cost you to incur additional interest rate charges. Even a 5% interest makes a big difference. You can imagine how much more you'll have to spend if your charges you with an expensive 15% interest rate? Imagine how much money you can save by avoiding the interest rate each month.
Late fees mean paying late penalty charges. Oops. And let's not forget the penalty charge for late payment. Why should you subject yourself to such unnecessary costs when you can avoid them altogether by just sticking to your payment schedule?
Late fees can cost you to lose your rewards. If you own a rewards credit card, you risk losing your chance of redeeming your rewards if you miss or delay even just a single payment. Yes. Most reward cards impose very strict rules when it comes to submitting payments. You can lost all those hard-earned points just because you didn't pay attention to your due date of payment.
Late fees mean debts rising. If you miss your payment for this month that means you will have to work double for the next billing cycle. But what if you encounter unexpected expenses? What if you can't pay your debt again on the following month? Most debts get out of control as a result of unpaid bills that were long past due.
Unpaid credit card debt causes stress. Let's face it, not having paid any kind of debt causes you stress and anxiety. On the contrary, being able to pay off your creditors on time frees you from the trouble that being stuck in debt brings. So don't give yourself unnecessary stress. Be more aware of your payment obligations and submit your dues on time at all times. More importantly, you can protect your personal credit from any negative remarks that can pull down your credit score.
by: Shelly Evans
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