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subject: Save Your Money By Using Callezee "ezee Deals" [print this page]

Callezee is a telephone directory search service provided by INMAC. Callezee helps to proliferate your business through "Ezee Deals". It provides an opportunity for business using the service called Ezee deals with Callezee, customer can have a deal with the Callezee for promoting their products. It has various multimedia tools to promote or advertise your services such as print, Telecom and internet. Using these tools there are more availabilities that are useful for the customers to promote the product and to create awareness about the product among the public. The Callezee deals are a full page display advertisement in Times of India, registration of voice service in Callezee for one year, advertisements will displayed in the Callezee yellow pages, Bulk SMS will be given to support the customers/advertisers to generate the leads, promote your products using Callezee voice services, display the advertisements in Callezee website, SMS and E mails can send to people.

Callezee has dial in services which is basically a yellow pages that talks back. When you use Callezee lets say for example you are looking for plumbers one can find very useful information on workmen depending on your need. There is a measurable jump in the sheer number of people using these search engines such as Callezee. Callezee is one of the leading players in the local search scenario. Local search queries on Callezee include not only information about what" the site visitor is searching for name of a consumer product but also "where" information such as a the city name or the street address.

Local search queries on Callezee include not only information about what" the site visitor is searching for name of a consumer product but also "where" information such as a the city name or the street address. Local search sites like Callezee are supported by advertising from businesses. These local search engines such as Callezee are very helpful especially in various cities to make it easy for people to search using Callezee .

Businessmen from Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, pune, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Cochin, Trichy, Vadodara, Vizag, Madurai, Mangalore, Mysore can get a benefit out of this excellent Callezee deals. For more info visit for info.

by: navsingh

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