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subject: Garmin Nuvi 765t Review [print this page]

Now is the right time to take advantage of the Best Price For Garmin Nuvi 765T. Spending some pennies for such device is really worth it for so many reasons. The unit dimensions are naturally smooth and ultramodern. Physically, it measures 4.8 x 3 x .8 inches. In addition, it has a 480 x 272 pixel resolution and comes with a white backlight. The screen itself is approximately 3.8 x 2.3 inches.

A lithium-ion battery, thats rechargeable, also comes with the unit and is guaranteed to work even up to 5 hours of straight use. In addition, it offers better signal reception through a high- sensitivity receiver. Not to mention the availability of its RoHS version. Moreover, it has voice prompts through an internal speaker, plus the ability to say the names of the streets out loud through the text-to-speech feature.

Its feature on Lane Assist is another important thing that is possessed by this unit. Such feature is very helpful for a driver to know exactly where to go. It also supports 3D map and building view. Moreover, it has Auto sort multiple destinations and Auto re-route features. With this device, youll surely arrive at your destination on or before your estimated time since it provides you with Choice of route set-up. Thus, youll experience faster time, shorter distance, and off- road.

Perhaps two of the most important features of this device are its built-in City Navigator North America NT and the Bluetooth wireless technology. This time, its already easy to talk to someone on the phone while driving because the device allows hands-free calling. Such feature can be maximized when its used with compatible devices. Another significant and unique feature of this model is the presence of Traffic Receiver. The letter T thats added on the original model number signifies that.

Unfortunately, only those who are living within the United States can avail for the shipment of this item. The product also includes other beneficial and entertaining features such as the media player, and an FM transmitter that transmits audio from the device itself to the radio on your car. It can be from directions, MP3 music, and audiobooks.

Indeed, nothing works better than this device according to that Garmin Nuvi 765T Review. Included in the list of its most-loved features are its design of a 4.3-inch widescreen, the free traffic alerts, quick satellite lock, and a quick search for multiple points of interests. Thus, its perfectly engineered to enhance your travelling experience in many ways.

by: Jessie Moore

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