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Forklift Photo Taking Tips To Help Sell Online

There are many ways to sell a used forkliftThere are many ways to sell a used forklift. Since there is a very specific audience looking for forklifts, the market is competitive. Selling forklifts online is one way to reach a larger audience. Attracting potential buyers for the forklift requires quality pictures of the item. When people can see what is for sale, they are more likely to look at the ad. Here are a few tips for taking photographs of used forklifts for sale.


Have someone proficient with a camera take the pictures. They should be clear, up-close shots. The seller should consider what they would like to see if they were buying the machinery and present it so that nothing is concealed or hidden. While there may be dents, rust or other blemishes, it is better to show them up front so that people are not surprised and unhappy when they see the item in person. Otherwise, they may feel they have been lied to or deceived, which can cause a host of problems.


Prepare the machinery for photos. Clean it when the power is off. If it is in relatively clean condition, this may simply involve running a rag over it. If the machinery is visibly dirty, wash and detail it. This will add to its value and help it sell faster. Move the forklift to a well-lit area that is uncluttered. Go outdoors on a sunny day if possible. If there are people in the area, politely ask them to move. There should be nothing in the photos besides the forklift for sale.


Take pictures with the sun above the forklift or over the photographer's shoulder. Do not face into the light, or the image will appear washed out. Start at the forklift's front corner, capturing the front and one side panel in the viewer. Standing at the opposite rear corner, photograph the back and other side panel. Next, take close-ups of the engine and surrounding areas. Follow these with shots of the steering axle, seat, drive train, hour meter and seat. The forks should be taken from two different angles.


If possible, view the photos before moving the forklift back to its previous location. If any of them are blurry or the lighting is too dark or too light, retake that picture. If there are too many distractions in the background, either crop it out or retake them. Do not reverse the photo image when posting it. People may notice and become suspicious of the transaction. Use digital photos. If the camera is not digital, have the pictures developed at the local store and order digital images. These can be uploaded to the online site where the forklift is advertised.

by: Christine Harrell

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